Collaborative work and commitment to serve as allies of our customers.
Miguel De Godoy, MDG’s -a Weber Shandwick affiliate- CEO
With a vast experience in crisis management and political and corporate communication, along with a long track-record in public service, Miguel De Godoy is the founder and current chairman of MDG consulting, a company with over 20 years in the market and an affiliate of Weber Shandwick for Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. He served as manager of Fernando de la Rúa’s and Mauricio Macri’s presidential campaigns and as leader of the key Buenos Aires city’s communication areas. Having served as City Government’s General Communications Manager (1996-1999), he was then appointed as spokesman for the City mayor and subsequently led the Media Secretariat (2009-2015). Upon completing his mandates at the Buenos Aires City government and as a result of his management of the De la Rúa and Macri campaigns, both these candidates were elected to the Presidency of Argentina.A bachelor of arts in communication by trade, De Godoy additionally served as External Consultant for top companies and holding groups. He was appointed as Vice-president of the Argentine Telecommunications Association (ATA) and worked as Buenos Aires’ TV Channel 9 General Manager (2000-2007). He is highly experienced in the Telco industry, having served as the first President of the National Communications Agency (ENACOM), since its creation in 2015 and up to 2018. Under his management, the most comprehensive countrywide 4G coverage and optic fiber network expansion were achieved, in cooperation with ARSAT. He was then appointed to preside the CITEL (OAS’ Interamerican Telecommunications Committee) in2018. He has been a consultant in presidential and provincial government campaigns both in Argentina and abroad.
Guillermo García, Vice President
Focal point contact for Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay as Weber Shandwick Affiliate. Expertise in Crisis Management, Public and Government Affairs, Public Diplomacy, Aerospace, Tourism, Health Care and Oil&Gas.
Bachelor ‘s Degree in Audiovisual Communication (UNSAM), and in Broadcasting News from the Instituto Superior de Enseñanza de Radiodifusión (ISER), completed a Master ‘s degree in Foreign Studies from Torcuato Di Tella University. In Georgetown University has obtained a Certificate in Social Media Management and was invited by the International Program in Governance and Policy Department of Government Seminar, to analyze pope Francis visit to Washington DC. Also participated in the 2014 US Congressional Election and the Road to victory in 2016 Program at GU.
He is a former Spokesperson for the Argentine Foreign Affairs and Commerce Ministry (1999-2001), and Political Communications Advisor for the Defense Secretary (2017-2019). Institutional Development Co-Chair Responsible of the Argentine T20 -Think20- (2018) and Communications Manager of the Spanish Fundación Carolina in Argentina (2004-2011). Nowadays he is Secretary of Communications at the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI), Member of the Foreign Institute of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, and Foreign Communications Responsible for Buenos Aires City Government’s Media Secretary. Has published Op-eds in Clarín, La Nación and Perfil newspapers in Argentina and in La Razón of Spain. He published the book “Malvinas-Falklands and the South Cooperation under the 1971 Agreement”. SABRE Gold Award 2019, EIKON Jury member 2017-2018.
Bachelor in Communication Sciences by the Belgrano University (UB). He served as editor for the “Olé” sports newspaper and also as producer of “Nacional Global” (National and Global), the National Council for International Relations’ (CARI) Communication and Foreign Policy program broadcast on Radio Nacional (National Radio).
Journalist with over 30 years experience. He served as General Web Editor, Head of Politics and editor of Branded Content at El Cronista newspaper. Bachelor in Government and International Relations (UADE) and Graduate in Digital Journalism and Social Transformation (Monterrey Institute of Technology-FEMSA). He attended the Managerial Development Program at IAE Business School and served as university lecturer.
Consultant in Communications. She developed her profession in different journalistic media as well as in the public sector. Expert in Digital Communication within presidential, legislative and electoral campaigns and management processes. She currently works in both the public and private sectors.
Experienced in text drafting and social media management, she has served as an apprentice at the Human Rights and Pluriculturalism Undersecretariat. She has additionally collaborated with the Argentine Council for International Relations’ (CARI) Communication department and has taken part in a research project on psychological trauma affecting gender violence victims.
Consultant in Communication with 25 years experience, and a major in Public Affairs and Corporate Accounts. He served as Communication Director at the General Pueyrredon General Security Secretariat and as Head of Communication for the National Security Secretariat. He also worked as Communication Director at the Argentina´s National Communication Agency (ENACOM) and as Head of Communication for the Buenos Aires City Police Services and as Secretary of Communication in Quilmes Municipality.
Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Belgrano (UB) and currently a student of Political Science, Government, and Administration at the same university. She was a member involved in writing articles and academic papers at the Center for Studies at UB (CESIUB), at the Middle East and Gulf States Observatory. She also worked as an intern at the New Generations Foundation, as well as at Soft Power, in content creation and social media management.
Journalist, with 30 years’ experience in the Media and Institutional Press. He served as News Producer for the Crónica TV channel and as Institutional Communication officer for the RSA insurance company. In the public sector, he worked for the National Office of Foreign Affairs and also has experience in state organizations’ institutional communication and press.
Bachelor in Journalism, with a major in Institutional Communication and experience in contents analysis for public entities. He has served as lecturer at the ISC (Instituto Superior de la Carrera) since 2017.
Student of Political Science, Government and Administration at the University of Belgrano. He translated and edited several opinion articles published in the newspapers Clarín and Perfil. He took a course on the Middle East and Asia in the International System, organized by the Argentine Multidisciplinary Debate Center. At the San Isidro Labrador secondary school, he founded the Social Sciences Club where he served as administrator of the writing and social media group.
He currently works as an Account Executive for MDG in the area of writing press releases, relations with journalists, mapping media, monitoring notes and clipping.